Seeking Nominations for Volunteer Award

Each year, Missouri Slope Areawide (MSA) United Way sponsors the Bismarck-Mandan Lifetime of Caring Award. This prestigious award recognizes an individual who, through a lifetime of service-work and volunteerism, has made a difference in our community. Nominations are being accepted through January 3, 2020.

Nominations can be made by going to or by mail, email or fax. Nominees must describe in 150 words or less, based on the criteria below, why you think the person is deserving of the Lifetime of Caring Award. Include your name, address and phone number on your nomination.

Nomination Guidelines:

1. The person must be a long-time resident of the Bismarck-Mandan area.
2. The nominee is someone to look up to, someone who serves as an example.
3. The individual has contributed to the overall betterment of the community.
4. The nominee has consistently devoted a significant amount of volunteer
time to community service.
5. The individual was instrumental in beginning new programs or new methods
to solve community programs.
6. The person’s leadership or service work has resulted in “community-
7. The person is not currently employed by a nonprofit.

Nominations must be received by 5 p.m., Friday, January 3, 2020. Entries will be judged by a committee of community leaders, assembled by United Way. The Bismarck-Mandan Lifetime of Caring Award will be presented at the MSA United Way annual meeting on January 30, 2019. Nominees need not be affiliated or associated with United Way in order to be eligible.